Certified translations

Official certified translations carried out by translators appointed by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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What is a certified translation?

A certified translation (or sworn translation) is a translation that has legal validity since it is carried out by a certified translator who adds their seal, signature and certification of the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. These are the elements that give a certified translation its official status so that it can be presented to any public or private organisation or institution.

Professional certified translators, appointed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Spain after passing the exam that confers said title, are the only translators that can give a translation sworn legal status. It is important that you make sure that a potential translator is professional before requesting a quote for a certified translation and that you do in fact need a certified translation of your document.

The need for a sworn translation may never arise for many people, making it a rather unknown term. At Trajura, we have come to the realisation that many of our clients do not really know what a certified translation is. For this reason, we like to inform our clients about what a sworn translation consists of and, if they have any doubts, we always make sure that they understand as best as possible so that they are aware of the service they are contracting.

Official documents require a certified translation in order for them to have the same legal validity as the original.

What type of documents require a certified translation?

The possibilities are endless. From birth certificates, marriage certificates or powers of attorney, to language diplomas or company annual accounts. In fact, it is possible to request a sworn translation of any kind of document you can imagine.

In any case, it is usually the organisations or institutions themselves that require a certified translation. You should always check beforehand, but if you are going to carry out any legal procedure in another country, it is very likely that you will need a sworn translation.

At Trajura, we have a wealth of experience with all kinds of documents and can help you with whatever you may need. We guarantee official and completely valid certified translations, so do not hesitate to get in touch to discuss any doubts or queries you may have.

Official certified translations

Our certified translators have been appointed by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation.


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